Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards, Part 1: Definitions and Requirements

In the first episode of our three-part podcast series on Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 emergency temporary standards (ETS), Karen Tynan and Kevin Bland provide background on the ETS. In addition, the speakers discuss the key elements and implementation of the standards, including the written COVID-19 Prevention Program, recordkeeping, COVID-19 exposure protocols, and notices.

Global Solutions, Episode 24: COVID-19 Surveillance Testing

In this episode of our Global Solutions podcast series, Andre Appel and Jaslyn Johnson provide an overview of the use of COVID-19 surveillance testing globally. The speakers also address the types of COVID-19 testing and data protection concerns arising under the General Data Protection Regulation. Ogletree Deakins’ Global Solutions podcast series includes country-specific flash briefings, full episodes on relevant topics for multinational employers, recap episodes, and companion materials.

Global Solutions, Flash Briefing: China Sexual Harassment Case Briefing

In this Global Solutions flash briefing, Skye Hao discusses two recent landmark sexual harassment cases in China and the enactment of China’s civil code, which took effect on January 1, 2021. Ogletree Deakins’ Global Solutions podcast series includes more country-specific flash briefings, full episodes on relevant topics for multinational employers, recap episodes, and companion materials.

Global Solutions, Flash Briefing: South Korea Employment Law Update

In this Global Solution flash briefing, Jean Kim discusses two key employment law updates impacting employers in South Korea. Ogletree Deakins’ Global Solutions podcast series includes more country-specific flash briefings, full episodes on relevant topics for multinational employers, recap episodes, and companion materials.

This Is Labor in California, Episode 3: Granting Access to Private Property During Labor Disputes

In this episode of our California labor law podcast series, Maria Anastas, Daniel Adlong, and Sean Kramer review the rights of labor unions in California to access private property during labor disputes. The speakers discuss the burdens associated with obtaining an injunction during a labor dispute, in addition to California’s Moscone Act and relevant case law.

Global Solutions, Flash Briefing: Japan’s 2021 Response to COVID-19

In this Global Solutions flash briefing, Mami Kato discusses the Government of Japan’s response to evidence that new strains of COVID-19 have emerged and an increase in positive cases generally. In addition, she addresses the recently extended state of emergency, entry restrictions, vaccination rollout, and the impending Summer Olympic Games. Ogletree Deakins’ Global Solutions podcast series includes country-specific flash briefings, full podcast episodes on relevant topics for multinational employers, recap episodes, and companion materials.

NYC Fast-Food Law: Understanding New Worker Protections

With the enactment of New York City’s new employment laws for the fast-food industry, fast-food employers may soon face significant new requirements effective July 4, 2021. The speakers discuss the “just cause” standard and how it limits at-will employment in the New York City fast-food industry. They also address progressive discipline policies, penalties for noncompliance, and other key considerations for fast-food employers operating in New York City.

Global Solutions, Episode 23: Data Privacy Concerns Associated With Vaccination Policies

In this episode of our Global Solutions podcast series, Justin Tarka and Stephen Riga discuss the data privacy concerns related to vaccination policies. The speakers address wellness programs and other employer involvement in employee healthcare, including key considerations for collecting employee health information and implementing vaccination programs.

Global Solutions: The One in the New Year—A 2020 Recap

In this recap episode of our Global Solutions podcast series, Ethan Isaac and Bonnie Puckett reflect on episodes and developments from 2020, including mobile applications relating to COVID-19, remote working, and global mobility. They also discuss the top five areas of interest for employers in 2021.

Global Solutions, Episode 22: Key Considerations for Employers as the COVID-19 Vaccines Become Available

In this episode of our Global Solutions podcast series, Rebecca Emery and Katie Krouse discuss the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States and across Europe. The speakers address key considerations for employers, including vaccination policies, responding to employee concerns regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, and access to employee health information.