TECHPLACE Talk: New United States and European Union Guidance Relating to Update on Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

In this episode of our TECHPLACETM Talk series, Danielle Ochs and Jenn Betts are joined by Colleen DeRosa, Stephen Riga, and Justin Tarka to address new guidance relating to employer use of artificial intelligence. In particular, the speakers discuss the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent guidance in the United States and the European Commission’s proposal for the Artificial Intelligence Act.

Nontraditional Workers and the ADA, Part I: Temporary Staffing of Nurses

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented increase in the use of alternative staffing for employees in healthcare settings. In this podcast, Jana Baker and Jim Paul address accommodation issues raised by the temporary staffing of nurses in healthcare settings. The speakers also explain the duties imposed by Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on staffing agencies and healthcare facilities. In addition, the speakers cover best practices for engaging in the interactive process.

This Is Labor in California, Episode 6: Where Safety Meets Labor

In this episode of our California labor law podcast series, Maria Anastas and Daniel Adlong are joined by Karen Tynan to discuss the impact of the proposed revisions to Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards on traditional labor. The speakers address distinctions between vaccinated and unvaccinated employees, potential bargaining obligations, and privacy concerns arising from employee data.

Global Solutions, Flash Briefing: Argentina Permits Employers to Require Vaccinated Employees to Return to the Workplace

In this Global Solutions flash briefing, Carlos Colón-Machargo discusses Argentina’s recent joint resolution allowing employers to require certain vaccinated employees to return to the workplace. Ogletree Deakins’ Global Solutions podcast series includes additional country-specific flash briefings, full episodes on relevant topics for multinational employers, recap episodes, and companion materials.

False Positives in Drug Testing

In this podcast, Mike Clarkson discusses claims arising from employee disputes regarding positive drug test results. He also addresses employer considerations related to employees’ use of cannabidiol (CBD) products and prescription drugs, including potential disability accommodation issues and the range of employee protection provisions contained in marijuana legalization laws.

Workplace Safety in California: 2021 Decisions and Trends

In this episode of our Workplace Safety in California podcast series, Kevin Bland and Karen Tynan discuss recent Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board decisions and enforcement trends. The speakers also address Cal/OSHA’s continued prioritization of COVID-19-related regulations.

This Is Labor in California, Episode 5: Current Hot Topics

In this episode of our California labor law podcast series, Maria Anastas and Daniel Adlong discuss recent union organizing by professional employees. The speakers also review a recent memorandum from the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) acting general counsel and assess its impact on what activity the NLRB will consider inherently concerted.

New York’s COVID-19 Vaccination Leave Law: The Latest on the Paid Time Off Requirement

In this podcast, Kelly Cardin and Jessica Schild discuss the requirements of the recently enacted state law requiring New York employers to provide paid time off to employees receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The speakers address frequently asked questions and key considerations about the new law.

Finally … COVID-19 Vaccines Are Widely Available: What Should Employers Do Now?

On April 6, 2021, President Joe Biden moved up his deadline for all American adults to be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine to April 19, 2021. In this podcast, Jim Paul, Jimmy Robinson, and Bret Daniel discuss key considerations for employer policies that mandate vaccines for workers, including federal agency guidance and state executive action and legislation. The speakers address employer inquiries into an employee’s vaccination status as well as the implementation of vaccine incentive programs and prospective vaccination waivers.

Workplace Safety in California: Cal/OSHA Inspector Interviews

In this episode of our Workplace Safety in California podcast series, Kevin Bland and Karen Tynan discuss Cal/OSHA inspectors’ interviews of employees, including the rights of employees, the agency, and counsel. The speakers also address tactics, strategies, and best practices for employers to consider in preparing for employee interviews.