Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tech-Tuned Workplace, Episode 1: Advanced Technologies

In the first episode of our “Tech-Tuned Workplace” series, Jennifer Betts and Ruthie Goodboe provide a high-level overview of advanced technologies that already exist or are coming soon to the workplace—from artificial intelligence to biometric devices to blockchain. They also discuss the benefits and potential risks of these technologies and provide some practical insights on legal and employee relations issues.

Workplace Safety in California, Episode 2: All About Cal/OSHA Citations

In this episode of the Workplace Safety in California series, Kevin Bland and Karen Tynan discuss the critical steps for employers to consider after Cal/OSHA issues a citation. Topics include strategies for responding to and defending against citations, key procedural and timing requirements, and how to appeal citations.

Workplace Safety in California, Episode 1: A Primer on Cal/OSHA

In the first episode of this multi-part series, Kevin Bland and Karen Tynan cover key information for employers about workplace safety in California. Topics include best practices when Cal/OSHA shows up for an inspection, handling employee interview and document requests, and avoiding common mistakes.

Pay Equity FAQs, Topics, and Trends

The trend of increased legislation, regulation, and corporate initiatives focused on identifying and correcting pay disparities in the workplace has continued to grow. In this episode, Liz Washko discusses recent developments related to pay equity, how to conduct a pay audit, and more.

Salary History Bans: FAQs, Best Practices, and Latest Updates

Laws limiting employers’ inquiries on a prospective employee’s compensation history are on the rise. More and more states and localities are passing these laws and, at the same time, courts are deciding cases on whether prior salary can justify pay differences. In this episode, Lara de Leon discusses the current state of the law and key steps employers can consider to address bans on salary history.

Diversity and Inclusion in Manufacturing: Practical Tips for a Successful Program

In this episode, Bud Bobber and Kimya Johnson discuss practical ways that employers in the manufacturing industry can address diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. They will cover unique challenges faced by manufacturers, best practices for developing, implementing, and tracking D&I initiatives, and key tenets of successful programs.

Employment Law Legends, Episode 1 – Employment Law Reborn: West Coast Hotel v. Parrish

Our new series, Employment Law Legends, examines pivotal employment law cases—from the history behind them to their lasting impact. In the first episode of the series, Paul Rinnan discusses West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, a case that made it possible for the legislature and the courts to regulate the employer-employee relationship in ways never thought possible before.

Untangling Complex Leave Issues – Part II

In the second episode of this two-part series, John Stretton and Rachel Mandel discuss the complexities surrounding the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, including no fault attendance policies, benefits issues, suspected leave fraud, and other challenging situations.