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Diversity & Inclusion at Work: Global Laws & Compliance

In this episode of our Diversity & Inclusion at Work series, Kimya Johnson and Bonnie Puckett discuss how employers with global workforces can create a diversity and inclusion program in light of differing and often conflicting laws across jurisdictions. Highlighting issues covered in the D&I Legal Survey, Model Policy, and Compliance Tools kit, this podcast details the various political, cultural and economic considerations for employers to create a D&I program and code of compliance consistent with their global values.

Allyship: How to Support Your Black Colleagues During This Racial Pandemic

As the global community continues to grapple with issues of racial injustice, Sierra Gray discusses how employers and employees can be allies in workplace, including identifying and addressing micro-aggressions and the concept of colorblindness. This podcast provides a starting point of resources for listening to, engaging with, and standing up for others. As discussed in the podcast, a list of resources to start with can be found here.

Diversity & Inclusion at Work: Employee Engagement & Connection Beyond COVID-19

With the increased importance of ensuring that employees remain engaged, Lauren Oldham and Michael Thomas discuss job satisfaction, employee loneliness, and the distinctions between employee engagement, disengagement, and non-engagement. Highlighting issues they covered in the D&I Legal Surveys, Model Policy & Compliance Tools kit, they also offer guidance and best practices for employers seeking to drive employee engagement.

California COVID-19 Series: Considerations for Businesses Requiring Customer Face Coverings

In this episode of our California COVID-19 series, Joe Beachboard and David Raizman discuss how Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act can impact businesses’ decisions surrounding requiring customers to wear face coverings. They address the myriad of local, state, and federal orders and guidances, the competing interests of employees, customers, and vendors, and provide tips on how to best strike a balance

Diversity & Inclusion at Work: Global Concepts & Policies for Maintaining Respectful Workplaces

In this episode of our Diversity & Inclusion at Work series, Kimya Johnson and Daniella McGuigan discuss global concepts around respecting diverse populations, how to create respectful workplaces through and beyond COVID-19, and why it is important to do so. Guided by the Global Model Respectful Workplace Policy Template presented in the D&I Legal Surveys, Model Policy & Compliance Tools, they address key considerations for employers as they draft and deploy a global policy.

Global Solutions: There’s an App for That

In a new podcast series, members of Ogletree Deakins’ Cross-Border practice group explores global solutions for a multinational workforce. In this new world of quickly-changing, often-conflicting laws post-pandemic, we will boil down what employers must do and can’t you do, and provide tips to manage risk. This week, Bonnie Puckett discusses employers’ use of mobile applications during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on key considerations deploying a global application to collect employee data. For additional resources, check out Ogletree Deakins Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center.

Employee Reluctance to Return to Work During COVID-19

Even as employers return to the workplace, some employees continue to have good faith concerns and personal obligations that interfere with their ability to return to work. In this podcast, John Merrell discusses the laws that can be implicated when an employer is ready to reopen but employees are reluctant to return to work, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the National Labor Relations Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, state and federal unemployment and state leave laws.

Diversity & Inclusion at Work: How Employers May Respond to Injustice and Social Unrest

As our country continues to address issues of racial inequality and corresponding social unrest, inclusivity in the workplace is of paramount importance. In this episode of Diversity and Inclusion at Work series, Shafeeqa Giarratani, Kimya Johnson, and Luther Wright address how and what employers should be communicating to their employees and clients in response to current events, including creating and updating an action plan, best practices for issuing internal and public statements, and how to engage in respectful dialogue with employees.

Diversity & Inclusion at Work: Difficult Conversations During and Beyond COVID-19

In this episode of our Diversity & Inclusion at Work series, Shafeeqa Giarratani and Luther Wright discuss best practices for having difficult communications in a diverse workplace. Highlighting issues they covered in the D&I Legal Surveys, Model Policy, and Compliance Tools kit, this podcast focuses on how employers can maintain inclusivity, be aware of implicit biases, and best manage emotional responses to communications.

Managing and Enforcing Restrictive Covenants during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter the legal landscape, John Drake and Amy Jensen discuss the challenges employers are facing with enforcing restrictive covenants, including how to navigate closed courts, furloughed and laid off employees, and remote work.