Category Archives: Uncategorized

Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region: OSHA Recordkeeping Rules

In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders John Surma (Houston) and Frank Davis (Dallas) discuss OSHA’s recordkeeping rules. Frank and John cover the forms that employers are required to complete and maintain, including OSHA Form 300, Form 300A, and Form 301. They also emphasize the importance of knowing and understanding your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, as well as the obligations electronic reporting and the potential consequences of noncompliance.

Cross Border Catch-Up: The Role of SOFAs in International Operations

In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Shirin Aboujawde (New York) and Patty Shapiro (San Diego), both of whom are members of Ogletree Deakins’ Cross-Border Practice Group, discuss Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs). SOFAs are treaties that allow members of the U.S. armed forces and their dependents, as well as government contractors to operate in foreign countries with specific exemptions, such as special immigration status and tax exemptions. Shireen explains the intricacies of SOFAs, their application, and the importance of careful due diligence. The episode provides valuable insights for employers navigating the complexities of SOFA status for their employees abroad.

Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region: Federal Court Ruling Sparks Uncertainty in OSHA Proceedings

In this installment of our Safety Perspectives From the Dallas Region podcast series, shareholders Frank Davis (Dallas) and John Surma (Houston) discuss the implications of a recent federal court ruling that extends the Supreme Court’s June 2024 decision in SEC v. Jarkesy, barring the use of administrative law judges (ALJs) in certain matters before the SEC. In November 2024, a federal district court judge in Texas expanded the bar to include ALJs at the U.S. Department of Labor—a decision that could potentially affect OSHA’s adjudication procedures. John and Frank’s discussion highlights the uncertainty and backlog this situation could create within the federal court system. They also examine the future of administrative law proceedings—particularly for employers facing OSHA actions.

Cross-Border Catch Up: Doing Business in the Middle East

In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Patty Shapiro (San Diego) sits down with Shirin Aboujawde (New York) to discuss the unique aspects of doing business in the Middle East, focusing on the importance of physical presence and the expat-dominated workforce. They highlight the mandatory requirements for local real estate, the distinct workweek schedules, and the necessity of having a public relations officer to interact with the government. Additionally, they cover the lack of income taxes for individuals in the UAE, the statutory benefits like “Hajj leave” and Ramadan hours, and the complexities involved in terminating expat employees, including end-of-service gratuity and visa cancellation procedures.

Cybersecurity AMA, Part One: Data Privacy Breach First Steps, AI Legislation, Automated Decisionmaking, and More Top Global Issues

In this roundtable discussion, members of the firm’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Practice Group discuss a wide range of important topics, including steps to take when a data breach is suspected, trends in artificial intelligence (AI) legislation, and privacy impact assessments. Simon McMenemy (Managing Partner, London) and Ben Perry (Of Counsel, Nashville), who are co-chairs of the practice group, are joined by Tracey Kinslow (Of Counsel, Nashville), Nicola McCrudden (Of Counsel, London), Erin Schachter (Associate, Montréal), and Lauren Watson (Associate, Raleigh). The speakers cover developments in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Immigration Insights: Understanding the National Interest Waiver (NIW) Green Card Category

In this podcast, Meagan Dziura (Raleigh) and Jamey Petri (Austin) dive into the National Interest Waiver (NIW) green card, exploring what makes a petition compelling and what has brought about this surge in NIW interest by employers. They break down the key elements of a strong NIW case and discuss how the recent election results will impact the future of NIWs.  Jamey and Meagan provide insights into the NIW’s requirements, its advantages over the traditional PERM process, and the reasons for its growing popularity in recent years.

Cross-Border Catch-Up: The Complexities of Terminating Employment in the Netherlands

In this episode of our Cross-Border Catch-Up podcast series, Maya Barba (San Francisco) and Patty Shapiro (San Diego) discuss employee terminations in the Netherlands—which can be challenging for employers due to the area’s strict legal obligations. Patty and Maya discuss the procedural requirements associated with terminations as well as the underlying grounds for termination such as serious cause, performance issues, and redundancy. They also address employee entitlements related to termination, including required notice, statutory severance, and other complexities involved in the termination process in the Netherlands, including when government permission is required.

Protecting Workers From Valley Fever: Best Practices and Cal/OSHA Guidelines for High-Risk Jobs

In this podcast, Karen Tynan (shareholder, Sacramento) and Kevin Piercy (shareholder, Fresno) discuss Valley fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, a lung infection caused by inhaling fungus spores commonly found in the soil of California’s Central Valley and parts of the southwestern United States. Karen, who is the West Coast chair of the firm’s Workplace Safety and Health Practice Group, and Kevin delve into the symptoms, causes, and the occupations most at risk, such as construction and agricultural jobs that disturb the soil. They also review relevant Cal/OSHA regulations, including sections 3203, 5141, 5144, and 14300, providing critical guidance on how employers can protect their workers and respond if Valley fever is suspected.

Multistate Monday, Election Edition: Legislative Action in the Works as the Ballot Boxes Open

n this episode of our Multistate Monday podcast series, co-chairs of the firm’s Multistate Advice and Counseling Practice Group, Dee Anna Hays (shareholder, Tampa) and Lucas Asper (shareholder, Greenville), sit down with Shareholder Jim Plunkett (Washington, D.C.) to discuss key legislative updates in light of the upcoming elections. Dee Anna, Lucas, and Jim, who is chair of the firm’s Governmental Affairs Practice Group, discuss the FTC’s non-compete ban; the NLRB’s target enforcement areas such as employer speech on unionization; the DOL’s overtime rule and its effect on wage-and-hour law trends at the state and local levels; OSHA’s new proposed rule on heat illness prevention; and more. Jim also explains how the presidential candidates’ administrations and policy priorities, as well as congressional actions, could affect current labor and employment legislative actions.

California Workplace Violence Restraining Orders: New Protections Take Effect in January 2025

In this podcast, shareholders Karen Tynan (Sacramento) and Amy Bianchini (San Diego) discuss the circumstances under which a California employer may seek a restraining order on behalf of an employee. Karen, who is co-chair of the firm’s Workplace Violence Prevention Practice Group, and Amy address California Code of Civil Procedure Section 527.8 and procedures to effectively obtain restraining orders. They also cover the scope of restraining orders, including who can be restrained and who can be protected, and they highlight the procedural requirements, which may vary from county to county, and review a case study.