Category Archives: Business

Global Solutions, Episode 12: Getting Down to Business in a COVID-19 Era

In this episode of the Global Solutions series, Katie Krouse and Adolfo Blonval address sector-specific COVID-19 guidelines that multinational employers may want to consider as they navigate an evolving COVID-19 business environment. The speakers discuss country-specific guidance for various industries, including manufacturing, retail, personal services, tourism, and hospitality.

Katherine Krouse is an associate in Ogletree Deakins’ Atlanta office. Adolfo M. Blonval is a 2018 graduate of the University of Arizona College of Law and is currently awaiting admission to the state bar of Connecticut.

Face Coverings, Vaccines, and the ADA, Part II: What Employers Need to Know

In part two of our two-part series focused on workplace rules and accommodation issues in the COVID-19 era, Jim Paul and Andrew Metcalf discuss flu vaccines, employer policies mandating vaccines, and other wellness decisions that employers may be considering in the next few months. The speakers address the best practices for implementing mandatory vaccine policies, depending on the relevant industry and company culture, in addition to considerations related to accommodation requests.

Face Coverings, Vaccines, and the ADA, Part I: What Employers Need to Know

In part one of our two-part series focused on workplace rules and accommodation issues in the COVID-19 era, Jim Paul and Andrew Metcalf discuss face-covering mandates and the potential employment and customer access concerns raised by masking orders at the local, state, and federal levels. The speakers address the requirements of Title I and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and consider how employers can better deal with the balancing of interests that the ADA requires.

Global Solutions, Episode 11: Stop in the Name of Leave—the Latest on COVID-19 Leave Laws

In this episode of the Global Solutions series, Rebecca Emery and Susanna Bramlett address leaves of absence from employment during the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of employees who are ill, considered to be in vulnerable populations, have been exposed to the virus, have an ill family member, or facing childcare challenges as a result of schools that are opening virtually. The speakers also discuss the statutory leave laws that have been enacted since the beginning of the pandemic as well as COVID-19-related reasons that precipitate a leave of absence.

Employment Law Legends, Episode 5: Keeping the Sabbath: Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison

In the fifth episode of the Employment Law Legends podcast series, Paul Rinnan examines the legal battle surrounding the definition of religious accommodations in the workplace and the origins of the de minimis burden standard.

Telecommuting and State Payroll Taxes: The Importance of Nexus During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this podcast, Randle Pollard and Deborah Andrews discuss how working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic may affect employers’ state payroll tax obligations. The speakers cover how even temporary work-from-home situations, such as those imposed in response to emergency orders, may create a nexus with the employee’s home state, even if the employer does not have an office in that state. The speakers also consider other factors such as reciprocal tax agreements and the “convenience of the employer” rule.

COVID-19 Litigation Series: Leave of Absence Trends and Pitfalls During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this episode of our COVID-19 Litigation series, Ashley Cuttino, Charles Thompson, and Tina Bengs address the latest litigation trends surrounding leave of absence requests and accommodations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers discuss the possibility of remote work as an alternative to leave, documentation best practices given that agency guidance is in flux, and litigation involving individuals in vulnerable populations.

Global Solutions, Episode 10: China’s New Civil Law on Sexual Harassment and Privacy Rights

In this podcast, Amanda Quan and Skye Hao discuss China’s new law addressing sexual harassment and individual privacy rights, marking the first time that employers in China have been required to make affirmative efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace. Our speakers also address the new civil code chapter addressing the right to privacy and protection of personal information.

In this episode of our TECHPLACETM Talk series, Danielle Ochs and Jenn Betts discuss why employers should take note of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) guidance on consumer-facing artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including its view that the use of AI should be transparent, explainable, fair, and empirically sound, while fostering accountability.

What’s Happening in the California Legislature? An Overview of Pending Employment-Related Bills

In this podcast, Mike Nader discusses pending legislation that could significantly impact employers if passed before the California Legislature’s current session ends on August 31, 2020. Many of the proposed bills relate to the coronavirus pandemic, including a bill that would provide employees with up to 10 business days of bereavement leave and a bill that would make leave and job protection benefits available to employees recovering from COVID-19. Our speaker also addresses Senate Bill 1383, which would expand leave requirements under the California Family Rights Act to apply to small employers with five or more employees—essentially, to most California employers.